Burncoat Robotics is a group of robotics team in the Burncoat area of Worcester. It started with the FIRST Robotics Competition team, The Green Reapers, and has since grown to include FIRST LEGO League teams and multiple events.
Join Burncoat Robotics!
The Burncoat Robotics Team is back for its 20th season for 2024-2025. Come join us where you can design, build, and program a robot, and compete against teams from across the world!
- Sign Up
- Send questions to Nick Galotti
Meet in room below the gym (take path down to fields after tennis courts, enter building on right)
- Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6-7:30pm starting Sept. 5th

Green Reapers
The Green Reapers were founded in the fall of 2005 to bring STEM education to Burncoat High School. Every year the team builds a 120 pound robot within the rules of the game designed by FIRST Robotics Competition in six weeks. They compete throughout New England and have competed in at the World Championships.

LEGO Reapers
The LEGO Reapers are a part of FIRST LEGO League. In the fall they build and program LEGO robots to accomplish tasks specific to the game of the year. They also work on a research project where they solve a real world problem. The teams compete at a local qualifier and if they make it, compete at the state championships.
Events & Programs

FLL Qualifier
A FIRST LEGO League competition held in early December. Teams compete to qualify to go to the state championships.

States of New England Advocacy Conference
At this conference teams from New England come together to learn about government and then meet with their state legislators.

Find Robot Parts
Developed by our high school robotics team, this website is used by hundreds of teams around the world to help them find the parts they need to build their robot.