Game Description – Ultimate Ascent
Ultimate Ascent is played on a 54′ x 27′ field. There are two alliances of three teams each. The first 15 seconds of the match is autonomous followed by 2 minutes of teleoperation. During the match robots try to score 180 gram discs into goals at three different heights. At the top of pyramids in the center of the field discs can be scored if they are the same color as the pyramid. At the end of the match robots climb the pyramids for additional points. In order to climb the pyramids the robot must go one level at a time.
Discs scored in Autonomous:
- Top of Pyramid – N/A
- In top goal – 6 Points
- In middle goal – 4 Points
- In bottom goal – 2 Points
Discs scored in Teleop:
- Top of Pyramid – 5 Points
- In top goal – 3 Points
- In middle goal – 2 Points
- In bottom goal – 1 Point
Climbing the Pyramid:
- 3rd Level – 30 Points
- 2nd Level – 20 Points
- 1st Level – 10 Points
Competitions Attended
- Savage Soccer
- RiverRage
- WPI Regional
- Washington DC Regional
- BattleCry@WPI
- Mayhem in Merrimack
Awards Won
- Terrific Teamwork – Savage Soccer