
2009fieldGame Description – Lunacy

Lunacy is a game played on a field known as the crater. Two alliances, one red and one blue, composed of three FRC Teams each, compete in each match. The object of the game is to attain a higher score than your opponent by placing the game pieces in the trailers hitched to the opposing alliance’s robots.

A match is 2 minutes and 15 seconds long. An autonomous period starts each match in which the robots are controlled by pre-programmed instructions. The autonomous period is followed by the teleoperated period during which the pilots (the driver and operator) assume control of the robot. The robots continue to play the game until the teleoperated period is over.

The game pieces are the moon rock, the empty cell, and the super cell. The moon rocks and empty cells are worth two points when scored in a trailer. The super cell is worth fifteen points, but it may only be scored by a payload specialist (human player) in the last twenty seconds of the match, and after the payload specialist has traded in an empty cell.

Robot Description

robot2009D-Fence 4.0

The robot was designed to pick up a lot of orbit balls from the floor, store them, and deliver them to the payload specialist and/or the goal. Balls were collected by a roller system, and stored in a large hopper. The hopper was a quarter cylinder in order to allow a rotation within the maximum boundries of the robot. The robot would then drive over to a corner air lock to deliver balls to the payload specialist. In order to deliver the balls, the entire hopper would rotate up, and the balls would fall out. This method turned out to be very effective in dumping a lot of balls all at once.

2009-v41D-Fence 4.1

After the official competition in Boston during March, the team decided that we would be even better if our robot was able to not only bring balls to the payload specialists, but if we could score in the trailers themselves. The team decided to add a roller at the top of the hopper to help propel the moon rocks into the goal. This was completed for BattleCry 10 where it was very successful, and in elimination match, it even scored a super cell at the very last second.

Competitions Attended

  • Boston Regional
  • BattleCry@WPI 10
  • Mayhem in Merrimack
  • RiverRage (tentative)

Awards Won

  • Gracious Profesionalism Award – Mayhem in Merrimack

Match Results

Boston Regional

Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score Video
Q-4 2127 2877 157 126 1735 61 22 82 Watch
Q-17 1474 1735 213 1757 2888 1973 54 42 Watch
Q-27 2447 2084 1350 1735 2386 1099 30 30 Watch
Q-31 1735 97 2876 246 2043 230 63 30 Watch
Q-41 529 839 2104 1735 2124 2423 36 48 Watch
Q-45 190 2648 1735 125 2103 69 53 52 Watch
Q-55 1768 1735 1027 2589 2713 2262 32 34 Watch
QF 2-1 1735 88 246 69 2593 126 60 64 Watch
QF 2-2 1735 88 246 69 126 2593 26 54 Watch


Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score Video
Q-8 195 40 2523 1735 1729 2262 64 22 Watch
Q-14 1991 839 2648 2079 2168 1735 66 52 Watch
Q-21 230 271 1735 1153 181 131 28 96 Watch
Q-27 166 1735 1058 1100 1073 2079 49 60 Watch
Q-39 1660 2342 809 1735 181 126 50 91 Watch
Q-47 1735 190 1721 467 172 176 20 46 Watch
Q-53 1735 529 263 271 125 173 35 26 Watch
EF-5 2648 126 1660 271 88 1735 88 82 Watch


Match Red 1 Red 2 Blue 1 Blue 2 Red Score Blue Score Video
Q 348 1735 172 78 37 45 n/a
Q 126 1735 241 501 67 32 n/a
Q 1073 1735 811 1474 32 30 n/a
Q 3125 1735 509 134 42 20 n/a
Q 1519 1735 1073 131 40 34 n/a
E 839 1735 40 348 28 42 n/a
E 839 1735 509 172 47 10 n/a
E 839 1735 20 1058 30 34 n/a

* It is unknown what match numbers or colors we were at RiverRage


Ship Day

