
2010fieldGame Description – Breakaway

Breakaway is a game played on the field. Two alliances, one red and one blue, composed of three teams each, compete in each match. The object of the game is to score higher than your opponent by shooting balls into a goal, climbing on the alliance tower or platform, or by lifting an alliance robot off of the playing surface.

Each match is 2 minutes and 15 seconds long. An autonomous period starts each match during which the robots are controlled by pre-programmed instructions. The autonomous period is followed by the teleoperated period during which the drivers assume control of the robot. The robots continue to play the game until the teleoperated period is over. The last 20 seconds of the match is called the finale period.


  • Shooting Balls Into Goal – 1 point
  • Hanging On The Tower In Finale Period – 2 points
  • Sitting On Platform In Finale Period – 2 points
  • Hanging Off An Alliance Robot In Finale Period – 3 points

Robot Description

IMG_0791D-Fence 5.0

The robot was built to be small so it could fit under the tower. The driveline makes use of mecanum wheels and a gyro so the controller could drive the robot in field orientation. On the front of the robot is a roller that would attempt to keep the ball in place while the robot drove around. Below the roller was a kicker. The kicker is connected to a pneumatic piston that would fire but prevented from going anywhere until another piston released. This would allow for an elastic buildup and make a better shot.

IMG_0854D-Fence 5.1

After the WPI Regional it was determined that the robot needed to be able to climb the tower. To do this an arm was built and then brought to the Championships and attached across the center. The arm had two wheels, one powered, where the pole would go between it and then power the robot up the pole.

Also for the Championships the gearbox was changed to have a slower output to make it easier to control.

D-Fence 5.2

The wheel on the arm wasn’t able standup to the pressures it was under and for the off-season a new wheel was used to replace it.

Competitions Attended

  • WPI Regional
  • Championship
  • BattleCry@WPI 11
  • Mayhem in Merrimack

Awards Won

  • Industrial Design Award – WPI Regional
  • Finalist – WPI Regional
  • All that and a bag of Chips – Mayhem in Merrimack

Match Results

WPI Regional

Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-2 20 3205 1735 839 2621 230 3 2
Q-10 571 358 2079 3280 1735 2104 0 3
Q-14 3280 348 1687 1735 1995 157 5 2
Q-18 2791 1735 2370 839 716 1687 7 0
Q-21 571 1687 3125 172 529 1735 2 3
Q-29 157 716 2791 2523 1735 230 0 11
Q-31 663 2079 1735 2370 2104 172 2 5
Q-38 3125 230 716 1735 839 228 3 3
Q-42 1735 190 2877 1995 3205 2370 4 7
Q-46 195 358 1735 3125 157 228 7 1
Q-53 1124 1735 3273 190 2104 571 2 1
Q-57 172 2877 2621 1687 529 1735 3 1
QF 3-1 663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 1
QF 3-2 1735 2370 663 358 716 2621 1 2
QF 3-3 663 2370 1735 2621 358 716 4 0
QF 3-4 663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 2 2
QF 3-5 663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 3
QF 3-6 663 2370 1735 358 2621 716 3 1
SF 2-1 663 2370 1735 157 3280 348 3 3
SF 2-2 663 1735 2370 3280 157 348 6 3
SF 2-3 663 1735 2370 3280 157 348 7 3
F 1-1 20 228 230 1735 2370 663 9 0
F 1-2 20 228 230 1735 663 2370 4 1


Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-13 1717 548 649 2500 1305 1735 9 5
Q-26 1735 3132 100 1261 2429 1259 6 9
Q-36 1086 2122 714 1735 694 2108 13 6
Q-44 1058 1735 1474 3335 957 3006 9 2
Q-58 2486 1735 2036 2016 503 3381 0 12
Q-86 78 1522 1403 744 1735 51 9 9
Q-94 433 3164 51 56 1367 1735 14 4
Q-111 2839 1735 900 2130 63 1577 4 8
Q-123 1657 292 648 217 79 1735 4 17
Q-132 3352 2467 1625 1714 1735 2056 0 20


Build Season

Ship Day

WPI Regional



Mayhem in Merrimack
