
2012fieldGame Description – Rebound Rumble

Rebound Rumble is a game played on a 54′ x 27′ field. Two alliances of three teams compete against each other to score the most amount of points by shooting foam basketballs into hoops. At the end of the match robots would balance on bridges in the middle of the field to gain additional points. Balancing on the middle middle bridge, call the Coopertition Bridge, with the opposing alliance resulted in an additional win for both teams.


Ball scored in Autonomous:

  • In top hoop – 6 Points
  • In middle hoops – 5 Points
  • In bottom hoop – 4 Points

Ball scored in Teleop:

  • In top hoop – 3 Points
  • In middle hoops – 2 Points
  • In bottom hoop – 1 Points

Balanced Bridge:

  • 1 Robot – 10 Points
  • 2 Robots – 20 Points
  • 3 Robots – 40 Points (Elimination matches only)

Robot Description

IMG_2950D-Fence 7.0

The robot was designed to pick up balls from the ground and then shoot them into the top hoop from right infront of the fender. The robot was oriented sideways so it could easily align with the hoop. In autonomous the robot would drive straight and then turn based off of a timer.

On the side of the robot was an ultrasonic sensor that would turn a green light on when it was close to the fender which helped the driver determine if they were close enough to shoot.

IMG_2992D-Fence 7.1

When we arrived at the WPI Regional the “ka-chop” was added to the robot. This toggled the bridge so that the robot could drive up it.

IMG_3217D-Fence 7.2

For BattleCry@WPI an ultrasonic sensor was added to the front to allow for the robot to turn based on distance instead of being timed. Also green under-carriage lighting was added for looks.

Competitions Attended

  • Savage Soccer
  • RiverRage
  • Suffield Shakedown
  • WPI Regional
  • Southern Florida Regional
  • BattleCry@WPI
  • Mayhem in Merrimack

Match Results

WPI Regional

Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-2 1100 2067 3623 1735 1687 2648 43 6
Q-7 2370 4041 2621 4042 1735 839 0 23
Q-12 3499 1735 2370 3280 4097 2648 13 10
Q-19 177 1991 1735 246 3280 1687 24 23
Q-26 1735 2621 230 663 2067 228 6 44
Q-34 3623 1735 1884 246 4041 3499 32 16
Q-37 3930 3205 558 1735 4410 23 62 18
Q-45 2370 3205 1687 467 1735 228 32 23
Q-50 839 348 3182 3280 1100 1735 15 34
Q-56 1735 190 663 4254 3623 3182 9 35
Q-61 4254 1735 2877 348 3623 23 0 12
Q-64 4041 230 4097 3205 1735 549 29 29
QF 4-1 4097 3930 2648 1735 839 3623 26 38
QF 4-2 4097 2648 3930 1735 3623 839 12 33
SF 2-1 3205 190 2067 1735 839 3623 53 38
SF 2-2 2067 190 3205 3623 839 1735 41 34

Southern Florida Regional

Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-5 3410 744 3732 1735 179 180 16 29
Q-10 348 1735 190 386 4184 4052 17 13
Q-19 1592 59 3164 168 3520 1735 6 4
Q-28 1523 179 2425 1872 1735 59 26 6
Q-35 1369 3653 180 1251 1735 2383 2 41
Q-42 1735 3938 1065 179 3520 3732 30 17
Q-45 4013 3932 4088 108 4341 1735 16 34
Q-55 1557 3580 3732 1735 1902 744 13 39
Q-59 1735 4184 2152 190 2383 108 18 31
Q-66 3938 4224 2152 386 2425 1735 20 12
Q-76 1735 3992 3580 4341 59 801 2 44
QF 2-1 1735 3932 190 1902 1523 386 8 34
QF 2-2 190 3932 1735 1902 386 1523 39 52


Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-7 1735 1991 230 2168 1687 3280 13 48
Q-11 190 230 3451 2713 1735 23 30 8
Q-23 125 1735 61 1100 1073 3044 26 30
Q-30 157 173 138 1735 166 181 52 26
Q-37 1073 1735 238 126 839 1058 18 26
Q-47 1735 121 78 88 467 2791 16 35
Q-53 319 1735 3451 2342 2079 1519 7 46
Q-63 558 228 131 663 88 1735 35 3


Building the Robot

Ship Day

WPI Regional

Southern Florida Regional

