
2011fieldGame Description – LogoMotion

LogoMotion is played by two competing alliances on a flat 27 x 54 foot field. Each alliance consists of three robots. They compete to hang as many inflated plastic shapes (triangles, circles, and squares) on their grids as they can during a 2 minute and 15 second match. The higher the teams hang their game pieces on their scoring grid, the more points their alliance receives.

The match begins with one 15-second Autonomous Period in which robots operate independently of driver inputs and must hang Ubertubes to score extra points. For the rest of the match, drivers control robots and try to maximize their alliance score by hanging as many logo pieces as possible. Any logo piece hung on the same peg as an Ubertube receives double points. If teams assemble the logo pieces on their scoring grids to form the FIRST logo (triangle, circle, square, in a horizontal row in that order), the points for the entire row are doubled.

The match ends with robots deploying minibots, small electro-mechanical assemblies that are independent of the host robot, onto vertical poles. The minibots race to the top of the pole to trigger a sensor and earn additional bonus points.


Ubertube hung in Autonomous:

  • On Bottom Row – 2 Points
  • On Middle Row – 4 Points
  • On Top Row – 6 Points

Logo Pieces

  • On Bottom Row – 1 Point
  • On Middle Row – 2 Points
  • On Top Row – 3 Points

Minibot Race Bonus

  • 1st Minibot – 30 Points
  • 2nd Minibot – 20 Points
  • 3rd Minibot – 15 Points
  • 4th Minibot – 10 Points

Robot Description

IMG_1521D-Fence 6.0

The robot was designed to pick up any size tube and then score them on the top row. The robot was able to do this in autonomous and teleoperated mode. The driveline was mecanum wheels with a gyro to allow for field oriented driving. The decision to go this route was to allow for easier alignment for scoring the tubes.

IMG_1611D-Fence 6.1

For the North Carolina Regional a mini-bot deployment device was added. The minibot attached to the pole by using a strong magnet. When it attached a limit switch would turn it on and another switch would turn it off at the top. The base for the mini-bot was given to the team by FRC Team 40.

Competitions Attended

  • WPI Regional
  • Raleigh Regional
  • BattleCry@WPI 11
  • Mayhem in Merrimack
  • RiverRage

Match Results

WPI Regional

Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-5 2876 1665 1973 2648 228 1735 0 24
Q-9 571 1665 236 2876 1735 3780 14 0
Q-13 1973 1100 1735 1884 358 236 6 60
Q-20 2791 3499 1735 1100 571 3125 3 27
Q-26 2104 190 1735 177 1687 467 51 3
Q-32 1991 3205 3499 467 236 1735 0 21
Q-39 1735 2370 2168 1973 3280 3273 12 45
Q-48 3205 230 2437 1735 358 2067 23 49
Q-53 1735 177 1884 195 3780 3044 21 0
Q-60 1772 3273 1735 190 2791 2877 33 21
Q-66 3125 2067 839 1735 195 1665 39 26
QF 1-1 190 358 2437 2648 571 1735 32 54
QF 1-2 358 2437 190 1735 2648 571 32 0
QF 1-3 190 2437 358 1735 571 2648 33 0

North Carolina Regional

Match Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Score Blue Score
Q-2 1735 3402 435 1319 2483 3661 21 15
Q-14 2415 3459 1735 3371 1539 3680 60 20
Q-22 1735 3336 3346 1533 449 2751 0 63
Q-33 48 3811 1735 3270 1413 900 86 0
Q-38 3746 1735 3229 3822 3506 587 0 3
Q-48 1758 2640 281 1735 3738 138 62 68
Q-59 1287 342 2059 1319 1735 3493 29 20
Q-66 48 3346 3737 3796 3822 1735 66 38
Q-77 3215 1735 3845 2642 527 2055 6 24
Q-85 2655 3402 3196 1735 1533 1225 15 100
QF 4-1 1735 48 342 2055 435 1533 106 57
QF 4-2 1735 48 342 435 2055 1533 88 44
SF 2-1 3506 2415 2751 1735 342 48 121 77
SF 2-2 2751 3506 2415 342 1735 48 92 86


Build Season

WPI Regional

North Carolina Regional

